Friday, November 19, 2010

I Love Friends!

Friends are a HUGE deal to me because...well...I don't have very many of them. But I followed this impression yesterday and it completely changed my life. There is a girl at the school who is semi-new and I have talked to her a couple times, but had never really made the effort to be her friend. Well yesterday I decided it was that day. We talked during prison (oops! intervention ;D) and it was just really awesome! We did  some med-tech homework and kinda talked about random things, like Harry Potter. But in doing so I invited her to come with me since both my brothers had tests and work and they couldn't come. I thought that she wouldn't accept the invitation because we didn't know each other that well. But to my surprise she did and we went.
That night started off to be one of the funniest nights I would ever have in my life. I went to pick her up and I was outside her house. I called her to let her know and she was on her way out. I waited and waited and nothing happened. She called me and asked me where I was and I said I was outside her house....turns out I was on the wrong block! I was much embarrassed and then after recalculating my error, I found her. We dressed up like a true HP fan would and it was, well let's say, pretty epic! I think my favorite part was that it wasn't awkward for us at all. We made funny one sentence stories. My favorite one was about a kid named Chet who ran into a naked mole rat, wearing red vans, that really just turned out to be his aunt Marge who had a major skin condition. Anyway all in all it was the best night of my life! Not only did I make a new friend, but I realized that I am good at making friends and even when you don't know each other really well, you still have the time of your life.

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